Greenbrook Photo Gallery

Black History Month Projects

5th Grade - February 2020

Kindergarten Makes Snow!

January 14th

Greenbrook Holiday Sing-a-Long

Friday, December 20th

Greenbrook STAARS Exhibit

STudents, Artists and AuthoRS

October 2019

On October 9th, several of Greenbrook's student artists were recognized for their artwork at Hanover Park Village Hall.  Village Clerk Eira L. Corral Sepulveda and Mayor Craig presented the students with certificates and spoke with each artist about their piece in the exhibit.  Their artwork will be on display on the 2nd Floor of the Village Hall for the month of October.

  It was wonderful to see the pride of the students, families, and
Art Teacher Ms. White!  Congratulations Artists!

Wings and Talons Presentation

3rd Grade - February 2020

Kindergarten Dental Program

February 2020

Greenbrook Harvest Celebration

October 2019

We held some very successful harvest parties this week. Please enjoy the photos of the costumes.

Celebramos algunas fiestas de cosecha muy exitosas esta semana. Disfruta de las fotos de los disfraces.

ESD20 Innovation Center

Grand Opening September 18, 2019

On September 18th, we gathered Board of Education Members, School and District Administrators, Community Partners and District Families to help celebrate the Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting for the Greenbrook Innovation Center. 

It was wonderful to see so many excited and engaged families!  Thank you to those who were able to join us.  For those who could not make it, please stop by soon to see the new future ready learning space.