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Report Safety Concerns


If your concern is an emergency, please contact 911 immediately.

There are also additional support helplines and resources available to you 24/7/365. See for more information.

We encourage individuals to work with us to help keep our school community safe.  Please use this form to report situations to your school administrators relating to bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats, abuse, or any other safety concerns.  Please describe your specific concern below, including who, what, why, when, and where the incident(s) occurred.  Provide as much detail as possible to assist administrators in investigating and responding to your concern.

If you would like to be contacted by the administrators, please include your contact information.  You may submit the form anonymously if you do not feel comfortable sharing your contact information.  After you have submitted a report, administrators will investigate the situation as soon as possible. 

I am a:required
Your name (optional, but helpful)
First Name
Last Name
Topic(s) of Your Concernrequired
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Where did the alleged incident(s) occur?required

Thank you for your report.  We will review your safety concern as soon as possible.  If you would like to be contacted, please make sure to include your name and contact information above.